SBI Associate General Knowledge Practice Paper
1) Which country along with Nepal accepted Indian Rupee as a legal tender?
1) Pakistan
2) Myanmar
3) Srilanka
4) Bhutan
5) None of these
Ans 4
2) Which financial organization has decided to setup a $ 2 billion swap facility for SAARC member nations?
1) World Bank
2) International monetary fund
3) Asian development Bank
4) Reserve bank of India
5) State Bank of India
Ans 4
3) BASEL III norms come into force
1) Ist April 2013
2) Ist March 2013
3) Ist Feb 2013
4) Ist January 2013
5) None of these
Ans 4
4) Which country will host the 2019 cricket world cup?
1) New Zealand
2) Australia
3) India
4) South Africa
5) England
Ans 5
5) Recently, RBI has allowed NBFC’s to open their ATM’s called as
1) White Level ATM’s
2) Any Time Money ATM’s
3) All Time Money ATM’s
4) Instant cash ATM’s
5) Supply Money ATM’s
Ans 1
6) Which Airline has been ranked as the World‘s Best Airline for the second Consecutive year?
1) Air India
2) Qatar Airways
3) Fly Emirates
4) Lufthansa
5) None of these
Ans 2
7) Who is the director of the Vikram Sarabhai space centre(VSSC) at Present?
1) S.P Rao
2) P.S Veeraraghavan
3) S.D Verma
4) L.M Raghavan
5) None of these
Ans 2
8) Which is the World’s oldest International financial organization?
1) International Monetary Fund
2) World Bank
3) Bank for International settlements
4) International Finance Corporation
5) None of these
Ans 3
9) Expand the Term EEFC?
1) Exchange Earners Floating Currency
2) Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
3) Exchange Earners Flexible Currency
4) External Earners’ Foreign Currency
5) None of these
Ans 2
10) on which date did the Parliament of India celebrated the 60th anniversary of the first sitting of Parliament?
1) 21st May
2) 9th May
3) 26th May
4) 13th May
5) None of these
Ans 4
11) Which sport category made a debut in the London Olympic 2012?
1) Women’s Hockey
2) Women’s football
3) Women’s Basketball
4) Women’s Boxing
5) Men’s Beach Volleyball
Ans 4
12) How much money is being given to people under Indira Gandhi National old Age pension Scheme?
1) Rs 200
2) Rs 600
3) Rs 300
4) Rs 400
5) Rs 250
Ans 1