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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

RBI Model Question Papers of General English

RBI Exam English language Sample Question Papers

Direction(1-6): Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the following questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

     During the reign of king Veer,there lived a wise magistrate.Haripant's verdict were always just and people  from all over the vast kingdom came to him in order  to settle disputes . In the city where Haripant lived, there was greedy ghee merchant named Niranjan . He always kept twenty barels of ghee. Of these, fifteen would containgood quality ghee and the remaining would mix the two and sell it. This went on for a long time, till finally the people fed up of being cheated, complained to Haripant.

     Haripant had the ghee examined and found it to be adulterated. He gave Nirangan a choice of punishment-drink the five barrels of adulterated ghee from his shop, or recieve a hundred lashings, or pay a thousand gold coins to the treasury. Losing a thousand coins was too much and a hundred lashing too painful. So he decided to drink the five barrels of ghee . Though Niranjan sold adulterated goods in his shop, he made sure his own food was of the best quality. So after drinking one barrel of ghee he began to feel sick. By the second barrel, he was vomiting. At this point he decided to opt for the lashings instead. But he was pampered and his body was unused to any harsh treatment. After ten lashes, he started trembling and by twenty he was giddy. 'Stop!' he screamed.'I will pay the thousand gold coins!'And he handed them over.

    So he ended up suffering all three punishments,something he did not forget in a hurry and the people of the city got to use only the best quality ghee in their food from then on!

1) Why did Niranjan  keep five barrels of adulterated ghee?
1) To sell to customers  who could not affrd high quality ghee.
2) To make a profit by cheatng people.
3) Being a miser he kept the low quality ghee for his family.
4) Demand for this ghee was low so he kept only a small quantity.
5) None of these.

Ans 2

2) Why did the people decide to go to Haripant with their complaint?
1) He was close to the king and would get justice for them.
2) They knew Niranjan was afraid that of haripant who punished people severely
3) They were confident that he would listen to their complaint and give a fair judgement.
4) He was the only magistrate in the entire kingdom
5) None of these

Ans 3

3) Why did haripant allow niranjan to choose his own Punishment ?
1) He felt sorry for Niranjan
2) Nairanjan's offence was minor
3) He did not want Nairanjan to appeal to the king for Liniency
4) He did not want ot give the Wrong Punishment.
5) None of these

Ans 5

4) Which of the following can be said about Nairanjan?
1) He took a lot of time to make any decision
2) He only cheated those who would not dare complain against him
3) He was allergic to ghee and fell sick whenever he consumed it.
a) None
b) only1
c) Both 1 and 2
d) All 1, 2, 3
e) None of these

Ans 5

5) Why did Niranjan decide to drink adulterated ghee for his Punishment ?
1) Since the barrels were from his shop he thought he could substitute the adulterated ghee with good ghee
2) He wanted to Prove that the quality of ghee he sold was good.
3) He was greedy and had a big appetite so he thought he would easily drink the ghee.
4) He considered it easiest of the punishments he did not realise what effect the ghee would have on him.
5) None of these

Ans 4

6) How did haripant arrive at the conclusion that Niranjan sold adulterated ghee ?
1) Niranjan was ill when he drank the ghee from his shop.
2) He had the ghee tested to see if it was adulterated.
3) He trusted the word of those who had complaint to him.
4) He too was duped by Niranjan.
5) Niranjan admittted his guilt when confronted.

Ans 2

Direction(7-8): Choose the word which is most similar in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

1) Unfaithful
2) Blamed
3) Exploited
4) Prevented
5) Dogged

Ans 5

1) Hardship
2) Distressing
3) Hurting
4) Experiencing
5) Trouble

Ans 4

Direction(9-10): Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

1) Damaged
2) Inferior
3) Spoiled
4) Defective
5) Cheap

Ans 2

1) Accustomed
2) Routine
3) Often
4) Normal
5) Repeated

Ans 1

Direction(11-15):Which of the Phrases 1 2 3 and 4 given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically Correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark 5 as the answer

11) Since books are quite expensive that many children do not have access to them
1) more expensive than
2) so expensive that
3) very expensive
4) too expensive for
5) No Correction required

Ans 2

12) At the meeting they told us what kind of difficulties we may like to face while establishing a rural branch
1) may like to face
2) were being faced
3) could be likely face
4) would be likely to face
5) No correction required 

Ans 4

13) What response you get to the proposal that you circulated among our investors?
1) responses have you
2) responses did you
3) were your responses
4) did you respond
5) No correction required

Ans 2

14) one of our representatives will meet you at the airport and accompanies you to our office
1) and accompany you
2) to accompany you
3) accompany you
4) will be accompanied by you
5) No correction required

Ans 1

15) I knew that because I Refused to accept the old man gift I would hurt his fellings
1) not to refuse
2) by refusal
3) if I refused
4) should I refused
5) No correction required

Ans 3



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