Marketing/Computer Knowledge objective type questions
1) CRM means
1) Customer Relative Meet
2) Customer Relationship Management
3) Customer Retention Manager
4) Channel Representative Manager
5) Channel Route Market
Ans 2
2) The target Group for Credit Card is
1) All cards holder
2) All existing borrowers
3) Individuals with taxable income
4) All of these
5) None of these
Ans 5
3) Bancassurance means
1) Assurance to give good service
2) Assurance to repay loans
3) Assurance to bank with one bank
4) Assurance given by banks to Loaness
5) Selling Insurance Products through Banks
Ans 5
4) Price is an important factor for effective marketing. What are the others Ps?
1) Place, Persuasion & Promotion
2) Product, Promotion & Place
3) Pride, Person & Place
4) Product, Paper & Person
5) None of these
Ans 2
5) Sales forecasting invloves study of
1) Distribution outlets
2) Sales Planning
3) Proper selling price
4) Consumer needs and demands
5) All of these
Ans 5
6) Service Marketing is the same as
1) Transaction Marketing
2) Relationship Marketing
3) Internal Marketing
4) All of these
5) None of these
Ans 2
7) "Benchmark" means
1) Marks on the bench
2) Salesmen sitting on a bench
3) Set Standards
4) Products lined up on a bench
5) None of these
Ans 3
8) Housing all hardware, software, storage and processing in one site location is called
1) Centralized Processing
2) Time-sharing
3) a distributed system
4) a host computer
5) None of above
Ans 1
9) Soft copy refers to
1) Digitization
2) Printed output
3) Music sounds
4) Screen output
5) None the above
Ans 1
10) Hard disk files are considered ----------- storage
1) Non volatile
2) Flash
3) Non permanent
4) Temporary
5) None of these
Ans 1
11) A ---- uses laser technology to store large amount of information
1) Hard disk
2) Extended Disc Read-only memory(ED-ROM)
3) Compact Disc Read only memory(CD-ROM)
4) Floppy Disk
5) None of these
Ans 3
12) The --------- Key will launch the start button
1) Windows
2) Esc
3) Shift
4) Shortcut
5) None of these
Ans 1
13) A program written in High level language is called
1) Machine code
2) Source Code
3) Object code
4) Assemble Code
5) None fo these
Ans 2
14) When sending an e-Mail the ---------- describes the content of the message
1) Subject
2) CC
3) to
4) Content
5) None fo these
Ans 1
15) The -------- manual tells you how to use a software programme
1) Documentation
2) Programming
3) User
4) Technical
5) None of these
Ans 3
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